Our Trainers

Our Trainers

There are currently 20 Accredited Goldstar Trainers located across the U.K. If you are interested in joining a training programme or setting up a training programme in your area then please contact us so that we can connect you with one of our Trainers.

Hinde Lea Weiss

Libi Pappenheim

Minky Niederman

Pesha Mindy Stroh

Miri Spitz

Shiendy Friedman

Ruth Erblich

Zissy Ciment

Tzirel Hershberg

Blimi Sternlicht

Chani Valles

Chava Rifka Royde

Chavi Margulies

Chavi Tambor

Chumy Meiselman

Daniella Elkouby

Etty Holles

Henny Breuer